This pit was quite unique in that it housed a competition sized trampoline, a set of parallel bars and a set of high bars all dismounting into the covered foam pit area. Witham Hill gymnastics club requested that the trampoline sit flush with the top of the pit and Jersey cover meaning we had to raise the floor inside the pit area.
The 620mm pit foam height needed raising 180mm so a raised floor was constructed giving a finished height of 800mm from floor level. This allowed the 200mm pit foam top and Jersey cover to sit flush with the 1000mm high trampoline. This resulted in a 1000mm high raised podium around the trampoline area and an 800mm high raised podium around the pit area.
Parallel bars and high bars were installed utilising ground anchors and short tension wires and the trampoline was installed with its foam covers sitting over the trampoline and raised podium. The design and construction combined current building techniques and regulations to ensure peace of mind for both club and users.
The project took just over two weeks to construct and install and was designed around the existing eternal wall support piers and without compromising any building integrity. A set of current regulation steps were built-in to the trampoline podium to save space and a free-standing set were placed to gain access to the high bars.

Following our continued success and attention to detail, we have been awarded the Build awards for; 'Gymnastics Facility Construction Experts of the Year 2017', 'Best Building Project Consultancy Services 2017 & 2018', 'Best Gymnastics Equipment & Construction Company 2018', 'Best Gymnastics Equipment Construction Firm - UK', 'Most Unique Solutions in Sports and Leisure 2019' and 'Urban Gym Manufacturer of the year 2019'