WBS Consultancy Service
If it’s just advice or a design service you require, Wright Building Services are happy to help
By way of example, we have received queries from customers in the States, Far East and mainland Europe calling on our specialist knowledge to prepare drawings for several projects. Although we are able to work overseas, on these occasions the most cost-effective solution was for the customers to employ local contractors to carry out the work under our supervision, using the drawings we had provided, therefore ensuring the work was to the desired standard and specification.
If you are interested in a consultancy service, please contact us to discuss your individual requirements – we are happy to assist or advise on any project, whether in the UK or overseas.

Following our continued success and attention to detail, we have been awarded the Build awards for; 'Gymnastics Facility Construction Experts of the Year 2017', 'Best Building Project Consultancy Services 2017 & 2018', 'Best Gymnastics Equipment & Construction Company 2018', 'Best Gymnastics Equipment Construction Firm - UK', 'Most Unique Solutions in Sports and Leisure 2019' and 'Urban Gym Manufacturer of the year 2019'